Banggaikardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)
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Banggaikardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)
Norsk navn: Banggaikardinal, engelsk navn: Kaudern's Cardinal, Banggai Cardinal.
Pterapogon er en slekt av kardinalfisker med to arter, P. kauderni og P. mirifica.
Hvit kardinal med svarte bånd. Blir ca 8 cm. Vanskelig å skille hunner fra hanner, hunnen blir ofte noe større og hannen har ofte kraftigere kjeve pga gjentatte munnruginger. En annen måte er å se etter antallet pigger mellom gatt- og bukfinne. Hanner skal ha to slike pigger, hunner én. Mer om denne metoden og bilder her:
En rolig og fredelig fisk som beveger seg lite og foretrekker å stå beskyttet mellom piggene på en langpigget kråkebolle. Lever i løst assosierte grupper. Danner parforhold og hunnen vil jage vekk rivaler med aggressiv atferd og klikkelyder.
Etter gyting vil hunnen overføre de befruktede eggene til hannen munn der de klekkes. Yngelen vil deretter leve en stund i hannens munn, og gjennomgå metamorfose, før de slippes ut som små versjoner av voksne kardinaler.
Banggaikardinaler bør tilbys variert mat.
Dette er en svært enkel fisk som ikke trenger mye svømmeplass.
NB: P. kauderini har begrenset utbredelse og har fått status som "endangered" på rødlista til IUCN. Det anbefales at man kjøper oppdrettede individer og ikke viltfangete. Les mer om dette her:
Pterapogon er en slekt av kardinalfisker med to arter, P. kauderni og P. mirifica.
Hvit kardinal med svarte bånd. Blir ca 8 cm. Vanskelig å skille hunner fra hanner, hunnen blir ofte noe større og hannen har ofte kraftigere kjeve pga gjentatte munnruginger. En annen måte er å se etter antallet pigger mellom gatt- og bukfinne. Hanner skal ha to slike pigger, hunner én. Mer om denne metoden og bilder her:
En rolig og fredelig fisk som beveger seg lite og foretrekker å stå beskyttet mellom piggene på en langpigget kråkebolle. Lever i løst assosierte grupper. Danner parforhold og hunnen vil jage vekk rivaler med aggressiv atferd og klikkelyder.
Etter gyting vil hunnen overføre de befruktede eggene til hannen munn der de klekkes. Yngelen vil deretter leve en stund i hannens munn, og gjennomgå metamorfose, før de slippes ut som små versjoner av voksne kardinaler.
Banggaikardinaler bør tilbys variert mat.
Dette er en svært enkel fisk som ikke trenger mye svømmeplass.
NB: P. kauderini har begrenset utbredelse og har fått status som "endangered" på rødlista til IUCN. Det anbefales at man kjøper oppdrettede individer og ikke viltfangete. Les mer om dette her:
Videoen over viser parringslek hos Pterapogon kauderni. Legg merke til at hannen har betydelig kraftigere kjeve enn hunnen. Hunnen er også mer aktiv under leken og vil bevege seg fra siden til siden hos hannen og ofte vibrere.
Last edited by Trond Erik on Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:48 pm; edited 3 times in total
Re: Banggaikardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)
"The Banggai Rescue Project", en interesseorganisasjon som har som formål å hindre banggaikardinalen fra å bli utryddet i naturen, har nå utgitt boka "Banggai Cardinalfish, A Guide to Captive Care, Breeding and Natural History". Jeg anbefaler alle eiere av banggaier å skaffe seg denne boka. Den kan kjøpes her:
Og her er pressemeldingen som fulgte med lanseringen:
"The Banggai Rescue Project", en interesseorganisasjon som har som formål å hindre banggaikardinalen fra å bli utryddet i naturen, har nå utgitt boka "Banggai Cardinalfish, A Guide to Captive Care, Breeding and Natural History". Jeg anbefaler alle eiere av banggaier å skaffe seg denne boka. Den kan kjøpes her:
Og her er pressemeldingen som fulgte med lanseringen:
HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA – The long-awaited book from the Banggai Rescue Project will be launched at the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America here, August 30 to September 1.
Entitled Banggai Cardinalfish: A Guide to Captive Care, Breeding & Natural History, the book is authored by a who’s who in the marine aquarium world: Ret Talbot, Matt Pedersen, Matthew L. Wittenrich, Ph.D., Martin A. Moe, Jr. and aquatic veterianarians Roy Yanong, V.M.D. and Thomas Waltzek, D.V.M., Ph.D. The foreword is written by Dr. Gerald Allen, who rediscovered the species and presented it to the aquarium world in 1994. James Lawrence, editor of CORAL Magazine and more than 30 Microcosm marine aquarium titles, wrote the introduction and edited the volume. Julian Sprung, through his Two Little Fishies Inc., is the exclusive distributor of the book.
“Our goals in launching the Banggai Rescues Project and producing this book were threefold,” says Lawrence:
Provide the marine aquarium world with a fresh, unbiased perspective on the trade in wild-caught Banggai Cardinalfish.
Encourage more local captive breeding of the species by hobbyists in developed countries to help relieve some of the pressure of collection from wild stocks.
Start a scientific investigation of the Banggai Cardinalfish Iridovirus (BCIV), a disease of recently imported wild Pterapogon kauderni that is terrifyingly efficient in killing entire shipments of fish and effectively stymying commercial aquaculture efforts.
Inside the Banggai Triangle
Starting with Allen’s recounting of his discovery of Pterapogon kauderni in a remote archipelago in Sulawesi, Indonesia, the book follows a 2012 expedition to the so-called Banggai Triangle. Embedded photojournalist Ret Talbot provides a first-hand view of the species in its native waters and as studied by a team of American and Indonesia marine scientists.
What they found were areas that once supported massive swarms of Banggai Cardinalfish are now fished out or showing obvious signs of over-collection.
Says Lawrence: “Some in the aquarium trade and media have suggested that we were crying wolf in even suggesting that this species is in trouble from over-collection. It was not our role to go to Indonesia and do population studies, but rather to join forces with LINI and the scientists there who are on the ground and in the waters of the Banggai Islands. They have been counting fish, monitoring exports, and tracking the decline of this fish in its endemic range, and, as Ret Talbot reports the news is not good.”
“This initiative [to protect the species] is becoming increasingly urgent as the wild populations of Banggai Cardinalfish are being depleted day by day,” states Gayatri Gayatri Reksodihardjo-Lilley, head of the Indonesia Nature Federation, which is working with local fishermen to make marine livestock collection more sustainable. The problem, she says, “is mainly due to over-collection to supply the marine ornamental trade.
“The recent inclusion of the Banggai Cardinalfish on the IUCN List of endangered species has had no positive effect on levels of exploitation. Besides over-collection, there are many other factors affecting the area, which can only be addressed by implementing a management plan for the archipelago.”
Lawrence says that the Banggai Rescue team hopes that the book will make more people in the marine aquarium world aware of the real situation and foster more cooperation between the livestock trade and those working to reform collection and handling in the source country. The deadly Banggai Cardinalfish Iridovirus, he says, remains a mystery and is something worthy of further research in the years ahead.
What Hobbyists Can Do
The book also devotes a considerable portion of its 304 pages to hands-on husbandry and breeding advice for marine aquarists wanting to keep Banggai Cardinalfish and perhaps produce them to supply local demands for captive-bred fish.
Matt Pedersen, who established a Banggai breeding section in his Minnesota basement fishroom, dispels the claim that breeding Pterapogon kauderni is akin to raising Guppies.
Pedersen writes: “In 2009, Daniel Knop put forth a perplexing assertion: This species is the easiest to breed. Tank-bred Pterapogon kauderni ought to be veritably pouring from private hands into the trade. But, as colleagues in the retail aquarium-hobby have recently confirmed, P. kauderni are not widely available as tank-breds.” Knop is the founding editor of KORALLE, the German parent magazine of CORAL, and an experienced keeper and home breeder of the Banggai Cardinalfish.
Re: Banggaikardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)
Tre flotte bilder tatt av Kim Synnes Hansen som viser en Banggai-kardinal-hann med yngel i munnen:
Re: Banggaikardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)
Banggai-kardinal-yngel. Bildet er tatt av Kim Synnes Hansen. I denne alderen er finnene til fiskene langt større i forhold til kroppen enn hos voksne individer.
Re: Banggaikardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)
Et tidager-gammelt Banggai-egg:
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Re: Banggaikardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)
Banggaikardinalen kan nå klassifiseres som "truet", noe som vil ha betydning for uttak fra naturen.
Banggai Cardinalfish Being Considered for Addition to Endangered Species Act
Posted on April 4, 2014 by Brandon Klaus
According to a pair of articles by Ret Talbot, which were posted both to the Good Catch Blog and Reef to Rainforest, the banggai cardinalfish is the latest target of environmentalist groups who are seeking to add the fish and others to the Endangered Species Act. The petition was filed by WildEarth Guardians, a non-profit environmental group that has apparently petitioned for more than 700 species in the last 7 years or so. They are looking to add a total of 81 species to the ESA, which includes 23 corals, 22 sharks, 15 bony fish, 10 skates and rays, 5 marine mammals, 3 hagfish, and 3 sea snakes. And after reading through the 538-page petition, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) found that there was enough evidence to move forward with the process, with the next immediate step being a status review, which could result in the fish moving to the “candidate list” or being rejected entirely. For obvious reasons, we fear the former.
So what implications will this listing have, if it goes into effect? Well, for starters wild-caught Banggai cardinals will no longer be available to the trade. While it does sound tantilizing from a conservation standpoint, the ESA listing could have an impact on aquaculture, so there is potential that no Banggai cardinals could be in the trade even if they were captive-bred, either by hobbyists or large scale commercial organizations. And that’s where the big punch to the stomach lies. Take away the wild-caught cardinals, and the hobby could get past it. But to disallow the captive-breeding of the fish would effectively remove them from the hobby altogether, save for some black market acquisitions.
So, that begs the question…did the aquarium industry get too greedy with this species, which is known to only live in and around the Banggai Islands? Overexploitation was certainly a key factor, but it just hurts so much more now that the hobby has learned its wrongdoings and has made a huge turnaround in terms of how it handles this species, and others.
Re: Banggaikardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)
The National Marine Fisheries Service i USA har nå anbefalt at banggaikardinalen beskyttes som truet art. Dette vil nok medføre at viltfangete individer ikke kan selges til USA, og det er vel sannsynlig at Europa vil følge etter. Med andre ord går det mot at denne fisken ikke lenger kan fanges vilt. På tide!
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